The answer is yes...and no! The key is stop and think for a moment about the recipient of the gift.
Do you have a friend who always complains or jokes about her impossibly flat butt? Or how about a grandma who says that her "church clothes" just don't seem to fit her anymore. These people are perfect candidates for the gift of
padded panties. Why? Because if they are verbalizing their tush-challenges, then they are likely not shy or defensive about their flat bottom. A gift of booty would make them giggle when they open it, then hug you after they try them on!
We advise that our kind of shapewear, however, should not be gifted to anyone who has not asked for, hinted or otherwise VERY CLEARLY indicated that
silicone push pads for the bra or butt would not in any way embarrass or offend them!
When in doubt, give us a call and one of our highly trained Customer Service representatives will be happy to offer situation-specific advice!